Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Barry Lee Fairchild

Barry Lee Fairchild, originally uploaded by Arkansas Ties.

Arkansas death row. We can't pick our family, and we grieve even when they do wrong, but I think this tombstone is a little much..."Barry died so that someone else would live." He kidnapped, murdered and raped a woman. Enough said - just a marker I found interesting. Oakland Fraternal Cemetery, Little Rock, Arkansas.


Annie said...

I am just thrilled to find your blog. You have presented some wonderful Arkansas sites and people (dead and alive). I will come again and again and again.

Pris Weathers said...

Thank you Annie, I just love your blog too. I love the variety and glad to see you are away from the hospital this week. -

mimi said...

You should get your facts right before you go printing things about people family, whom you know nothing about. He gave a confession after he was attacked by dogs, bit open, kicked, an beat by the police. Although he was not the only one attacked by the police with him being mentally challenged he gave them what they asked him for. He was told what to say but was to afraid to say who the man was behind the camera. Nothing at the crime scene matched him. But being that the police made him do a confession on camera an he has to stop to look off he camera to give the correct answer being 1983 in Arkansas that didn't matter either. My Great Uncle died so some one could gain votes. An yes he does deserve the tombstone he mother my Great Grandmother gave him. He was innocent an made guilty by lack of knowledge an understanding. Nothing matched him not the hair, blood, or semen. Im sure you will not allow this blog to go up since im sure it show you don't know what your talkin about. How about you go research an get your facts together before you post what you feel is a bit to much. D.luster

Pris Weathers said...

Mimi, I am more than willing to publish a contradicting opinion to mine as long as it civilly worded. 200 years from now, someone will think he was a hero or war soldier based on that marker and he was neither. Maybe the marker could have been worded along the lines that he was unjustly punished for a crime he didn't commit.

mimi said...

Thank you. I just feel he was unjustly trailed an there for he received a horrible reputation. His birthday is actually a day before mines an he was executed a day after my oldest son birthday (different years of course) but for some reason the days weigh deeply on my heart.